SBPAL Pop Warner Cheer

The South Brunswick Vikings PAL Cheer program is a community that is proud to provide opportunities for our youth athletes to learn, develop friendships, and become part of the exciting and fulfilling word of cheer! The Vikings are a part of Pop Warner, which is a National non-profit organization that provides youth football, cheer and dance. Pop Warner participants are student athletes who develop not only skills in their sport, but also life-long values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and a strong work ethic. Pop Warner teams adhere to stringent guidelines of safety, from the equipment used and the rules followed, to the volunteer screening and training processes. Every child in the program participates, safety is emphasized, and children learn to engage in healthy competition.
We welcome children ages 3-12 as of July 31. We offer recreational and competitive programs based on age.
Members of:
Safety & Scoring Governed by:
Seasons :
- Fall Competitive Season: August 1 until early December
- Fall Recreational Season: August 1 until early November
- Winter Competitive Season: immediately following fall until March
- Spring Clinics
Skill Levels:
Recreational Teams: open to boys and girls who are ages 3-7 as of July 31. Cheerleaders practice 1x/week and cheer at football games.
Competitive Teams: open to boys and girls who are ages 5-12 as of July 31. Cheerleaders practice 3-4x/week in August, and 3x/week after Labor Day. Teams compete in Pop Warner competitions starting in October, including Central Jersey Pop Warner, Garden State, and Eastern Region (for qualifying teams), with the goal to get to Nationals in Orlando, FL! Due to the nature of the sport, practices and competitions are mandatory; an absence by one athlete significantly impacts the rest of the squad.
Recreational teams:
- All children ages 3-7 are welcome! Children must be at least 3 years old and no older than age 7 by July 31, 2025. There are NO EXCEPTIONS, and proof of age MUST be submitted to Pop Warner.
- There are NO try-outs or cuts. All registered children will participate.
- Athletes will be placed on an appropriate squad based on their birthdate.
- Fees:
- Registration: $125 per athlete.
- Includes: registration fee, insurance, game day and pink bows, 2025 team shirt, awards banquet entry for athlete
- Game day uniform deposit: $100 per athlete.
- This is a 100% refundable fee to be returned when your game day uniform is returned on time, and in excellent condition. You are responsible for any loss or damage to the uniform. Game day uniforms are the property of SBPAL and may not be altered in any way.
- Registration: $125 per athlete.
- Required items you must provide for your athlete:
- White athletic sneakers
- White ankle or no-show socks
- Black, fitted, long sleeve tech shirt
- Black cheer briefs/tumble shorts
- Black leggings
- Practices:
- Practices will be 1x/week, on a weeknight. Practices typically do not start before 5:30 pm. Practices will be 45 minutes to 1 hour for our youngest participants (ages 3-4), and 1.5 hours for ages 5-7. Once facility use is finalized, the schedule will be provided.
- A parent/guardian or authorized pick-up person should remain at outdoor practices in the event that weather causes us to end early. Cheerleaders should be dropped off to indoor practices. Cheerleaders must have an adult to pick them up promptly at the end of practice.
- Cheerleaders should come prepared to practice by:
- being sure to dress appropriately in workout attire or practice uniform, socks and sneakers, with long hair pulled back.
- bringing water!
- NOT bringing anything not needed for practice, like toys.
- keeping cell phones away during practice time.
- NOT doing any stunts or tumbling unless told to do so by their coaches.
- coming with a positive attitude, ready to work hard, listen to their coaches, and help their teammates!
- Football games:
- Games typically start after Labor Day weekend and are usually on Sundays. There are 8 games in the regular season, 4 home (played at Rowland Park) and 4 away. The post-season can extend into November.
- Cheerleaders are expected to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled game time to warm up, and to cheer for their football team throughout the entire game. The game schedule is TBD by the Central Jersey Pop Warner league. The website is cjpwc,org.
- Cheerleaders aged 3-4 will cheer at HOME GAMES ONLY (held at Rowland Park). They may leave after halftime if you desire.
- SBPAL Showcase/Picture Night: All cheerleaders participate in picture night and perform in our Showcase. The tentative date is October 3.
- Pop Warner Night: All cheerleaders ages 5 and up participate in this FUN and EXCITING night at a South Brunswick HS football game! The cheerleaders welcome the players onto the field, and then cheer on the sideline with the High School Cheer and Dance teams during the first half of the game. Date TBD.
Cheer Awards Gala: All cheerleaders and their families are invited to attend the Awards Gala on Sunday, January 18, 2026, to be held at Pierre’s.
Competition teams
- All children ages 5-12 are welcome! Children must be at least 5 years old and no older than age 12 by July 31, 2024. There are NO EXCEPTIONS, and proof of age MUST be submitted to Pop Warner.
- There are NO try-outs or cuts. However, coaches will assess athletes’ skill levels to ensure proper squad placement when there is age overlap in multiple squads.
- Athletes will be placed on an appropriate squad based on their birthdate and skill level. Coaches’ and director’s decisions are final.
- Athletes who register for this program are committing to the full practice schedule, stunt clinic, games, showcase, competitions, and any other events deemed necessary by the coaches (such as additional clinics or practices).
- ALL practices and competitions are mandatory.
- In July and August, practices will be 2-3 times a week for ages 5-7, and 3-4 times a week for ages 8-12. After Labor Day, practices will be 2-3 times a week for ages 5-7, and 3 times a week for ages 8-12. The practice schedule is TBD based on facility availability.
- PLEASE NOTE: While we do our best to keep a consistent practice schedule, there are circumstances beyond our control, especially regarding facility availability. There are times when we cannot access the schools, fields, and/or Woodlot due to other events, and dates and/or locations, may need to change. We will make these changes and notify families as we become aware of these situations, and are able to make alternate arrangements.
- Football games typically start after Labor Day weekend and are usually on Sundays. Typically, Tiny Mite and Mitey Mite squads cheer at football games. Cheerleaders are expected to arrive before the scheduled game time to warm up, and to cheer for their football team throughout the entire game. The game schedule is TBD by the Central Jersey Pop Warner league. The website is cjpwc,org.
- Athletes are expected to be ON TIME to ALL practices. Please notify your coaches via TeamSnap if you are running late.
- Athletes are expected to attend ALL practices.
- Outdoor practices: A parent/guardian or authorized pick-up person should remain at outdoor practices if the weather causes us to end early. Parents,guardians, and other unrostered individuals are NOT PERMITTED on the practice fields during practices.
- Indoor practices: Cheerleaders should be dropped off at indoor practices. Parents,guardians, and other unrostered individuals are NOT PERMITTED in the gyms during practices. Cheerleaders must have an adult to pick them up promptly at the end of practice.
- Cheerleaders should come prepared to practice by:
- being sure to dress appropriately in workout attire or practice uniform, socks and cheer sneakers, with long hair pulled back. Jewelry should not be worn, and nails should be kept trimmed.
- bringing water!
- NOT bringing anything not needed for practice, like toys.
- keeping cell phones AWAY during practice time.
- NOT doing any stunts or tumbling unless told to do so by their coaches.
- Coming with a positive attitude, ready to work hard, listen to their coaches, and help their teammates.
- Parents of cheerleaders who engage in reckless or dangerous behavior will be contacted. You may be asked to pick up your child if the behaviors continue.
- Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken at each practice and game. It is expected that cheerleaders attend ALL practices, and that they are on time. Missing practice or being chronically late causes the athlete(s) to miss important warm-ups, instruction, conditioning, etc., and also causes a safety risk to themselves and others.
- Scheduled Vacations: We ask that whenever possible, vacations are NOT scheduled during the month of August. If your family has a scheduled vacation in August, you MUST inform the program in writing (email or letter) BEFORE JUNE 15 in order for the athlete’s absence to be excused.
- Excused Absences: In order for an absence to be excused, you MUST inform your coaches no later than 24 hours before your scheduled practice/game time, or as early as possible in cases of sudden illness or emergency. Doctor’s notes may be required for extended or frequent absenteeism due to illness.
- The coaches reserve the right to remove any athlete from their position in the competition routine, or from the routine altogether, IF
- an athlete accrues more than 1 unexcused absence AND/OR
- an athlete accrues 2 or more excused absences (not including an excused August vacation) by September 10, AND/OR
- an athlete misses any practices in October (not due to illness).
- Important Dates:
- April 9 at 6 pm: Mandatory Competition Team PARENT Meeting
- May 5: Registration CLOSES for ALL competition teams EXCEPT Tiny Mites (ages 5-7).
- May 7 at 6:15 pm: Mandatory Uniform Fitting for ALL competitive athletes EXCEPT Tiny Mites.
- June 30: Registration CLOSES for competition teams ages 5-7.
- July: UCA Cheer camp (additional registration and fees apply) Dates TBD
- **JULY 15: Season Starts
- Sept. 6: Mandatory Stunt Clinic at All Star Athletic Center. Times TBA – (fee included in registration)
- Pop Warner Night at SBHS – Date TBD
- Oct. 3: tentative date for SBPAL Cheer Showcase and picture night
- Competitions:
- Sunday, Oct. 12: Central Jersey Cheer Competition: All squads participate. Trenton, NJ.
- Sunday, Oct. 19: Garden State Cheer Competition: All squads participate. Trenton, NJ.
- DATES NOT YET CONFIRMED: Sunday, Oct. 26; Saturday, Nov. 1 & Sunday, Nov. 2: Regions Cheer Competition: Squads that qualify during the CJPW Competition participate. Trenton, NJ.
- Monday, Dec. 8 – Thu., Dec. 11: Pop Warner National Cheer & Dance Championships: Squads that qualify at Regions participate. Charlotte, NC.
- Winter Cheer participants: Globals: February 5-8, 2026.
- Sunday, Jan. 18, 2026: Cheer Awards Gala
- Fees:
- Registration: $300 per athlete.
- Includes: registration fee; insurance; stunt clinic at All Star Athletic Center; game day and pink bows (for squads that cheer at football games); competition bow; 2025 Team shirt; competition music and license; competition fees for Central Jersey, Garden State, and Regions; awards banquet entry for athlete.
- Game day uniform deposit: $100 per athlete.
- This is a 100% refundable fee to be returned when your game day uniform is returned on time, and in excellent condition. You are responsible for any loss or damages to the uniform. Game day uniforms are property of SBPAL and may not be altered in any way.
- Competition uniform fees: These are purchased and owned by YOU!
- Registration: $300 per athlete.
- Ages 5-7: $75.00 (plus shipping). Pre-owned may be available for a lesser cost.
- Ages 8-12: approximately $225 (shipping fees will apply). Pre-owned may be available for a lesser cost.
- Nationals fees:
- Total fees for the competition & stay are TBA by Pop Warner National. We will let you know when we have this information. Fundraising will be available to help subsidize this cost for the athletes.
- Travel expenses – It is up to individual families to arrange your transportation.
- Nationals fees:
- Once we have received all information regarding Nationals from Pop Warner, we will hold a Parent Meeting.
- Required items you must provide for your athlete:
- Competition uniform
- White or black cheer sneakers: 1 pair for outdoor practices and games, and 1 pair for indoor practices and competitions (color dependent on squad – coaches will inform you!)
- White or black ankle or no-show socks (color dependent on squad – coaches will inform you!)
- Black, fitted, long sleeve tech shirt for games
- Black cheer brief/tumble shorts for games
- Black leggings for games
- Once teams and positions are formed, we are requesting that flyers have a soft helmet (like a flag football helmet) for practices. More information and guidance to come.
Contact Information
Jenn House
Assistant Director:
Sandra Presby-Schreyer